Diversity & Inclusion

Equal opportunities: Creating a positive working environment

At Quadrangle Research Group, we are committed to providing a working environment in which everyone feels valued and respected and is able to pursue a rewarding career whilst contributing to the success of our business. We view the diversity of our staff as a great asset and aim to ensure that everyone can enjoy equality of opportunity in an environment which is free from discrimination, harassment, bullying and victimisation.

Quadrangle Research Group complies with the requirements of the Equality Act 2010, including the general duty to have due regard to:

  • eliminate unlawful discrimination, harassment and victimisation and other conduct prohibited by the Act;
  • advance equality of opportunity between people who share a protected characteristic and those who do not;
  • foster good relations between people who share a protected characteristic and those who do not.

No individual will be unjustifiably discriminated against. This includes, but not exclusively discrimination because of:

  • race;
  • religion and belief;
  • sex or sexual orientation;
  • marriage or civil partnership;
  • pregnancy or maternity;
  • age;
  • disability;
  • gender identity and gender reassignment.

We aim to ensure that no-one in our business, or seeking employment with us, receives less favourable treatment on the above grounds or is disadvantaged by requirements or conditions which cannot be shown to be justifiable. We respect the dignity of individuals and their beliefs. We do not tolerate any racial, sexual, physical, mental harassment or bullying in the workplace, or at functions connected with the workplace. We accept anyone’s right to join a trade union or staff association and we will consult and negotiate with any such body that is formally recognised.

Everyone at Quadrangle Research Group has a strict obligation to:

  • respect and act in accordance with this policy;
  • treat fellow staff members with respect and dignity;
  • ensure that their own behaviour does not cause offence or distress;
  • report any incident or behaviour which contravenes this policy and not indirectly support unfair treatment by ignoring what is happening around them.

In addition, those who manage staff are responsible for:

  • ensuring that the policy is fairly and consistently applied in all areas under their control;
  • eliminating any unfair practices of which they are aware, whether or not a complaint has been made;
  • promoting an environment in which people feel comfortable in reporting incidents which are causing them concern;
  • reacting quickly to complaints, investigating them objectively and thoroughly and taking any required action promptly;
  • advising HR as soon as a formal complaint has been made.

Any behaviour which contravenes this policy will be viewed very seriously and may result in disciplinary action, including dismissal in appropriate cases.

Commitment to diversity & inclusion: The inclusion pledge

As part of our active commitment to continue to create a diverse and inclusive workplace and to contribute to improving diversity in the research industry, Quadrangle has signed the Market Research Society’s Inclusion Pledge.

The Inclusion Pledge requires Quadrangle to make five commitments towards creating safer and more representative workplaces.

We commit to:

  1. Gather and, where appropriate, publish pay statistics annually. If it is found, dismantle pay discrimination based on pay and ethnicity.
  2. Work towards ensuring our staff are representative of the full diversity of our business locations.
  3. Work towards the achievement of appropriate government targets for the representation of women and minority ethnic groups at senior management and board level.
  4. Improve the recruitment of a representative intake.
  5. Create safe places to work for all, committing to:
  • Create accessible environments in our offices for all staff and visitors;
  • Adopt the timeTo Code of Conduct on sexual harassment;
  • Develop a proactive culture that supports whistle blowing;
  • Train staff to recognise those who need help for stress or mental health and wellbeing and create appropriate support systems.

We believe that the above commitments and this policy will help us to create a happier, more creative, effective and innovative business, as well as positively contribute to the research sector as a whole.

Last updated: March 2022